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WhatsApp Image 2020-02-29 at 8.25.18 PM.

from left to right: adwin, faith, jasmine, aden



Hi! I'm Adwin and I'm Year 4 studying in ACSI. Through Project Eleur, I hope to use what I have been blessed with to make a positive impact in the lives of those around me and to serve the community wholeheartedly.


Hello I’m Faith, a S3 student studying at MGS. I hope to spread love and make a difference in the community through Project Eleur!


Hello I’m Jasmine, a Y4 student studying at MGS! I want to spread love and kindness to everyone around me and uplift those who are in need through Project Eleur.


Hello! I’m Aden, a Year 4 studying at ACSI! I hope that Project Eleur will be able to make a difference in our community and that we will all serve others before ourselves!

we aim to help youths (who are just like us) to be able to reach their fullest potential and to be a source of light to them in their time of need.

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